

Setting up a unique PR and financial content management system integrated with Euronext and LesEchosWire

Beneteau Group, the boating global market player & European eader for leisure homes, use Wiztrust to  improve the management of the communication content and the financial information of the Group, for the investors as for the journalists. 

Discover how Beneteau Group take advantage of the Wiztrust funtionalities through this client case comprising: 

  • Their objectives
  • The measures introduced
  • Les outils utilisés
  • Their challenges
  • The results 

"Wiztrust gathers in a unique application the cutting - edge technologies necessary for the diffusion of regulated information as well as the latest content. Our press relations team and our financial hub elaborate and distribute together a redundancy - free, high-quality content in line with the juridical requirements."

Mirna Cieniewicz, Corporate Communication and Public Affaires manager